Sunday, November 18, 2012

Diy Friday - Jewelled Cuff

I know it's not Friday...Haha! But this weekend was busy busy and filled with fun family things. A visit to My boyfriends mom's for her 67th birthday celebration. A trip to Port Perry to check out all the cute little crafty and antiquey (uh yeah...that is totally a word) shops. I loved it! They had super cure retro store fronts, with painted signs. They also had their holiday wreaths up on the street lamps. The trip was cut short because we had to make it back on time to meet up with more of the family for the birthday dinner, but Matt and I will definitely be making a trip back to see more of the place! Maybe snag some special holiday gifts, because everything we saw was so unique!

 I was inspired to do this DIY because of the holiday season! Makes me want to add sparkle to everything! (plus, being short I end up cuffing a lot of my pants. But I love the look! It's not solely out of necessity!) And luckily, this is the time of year you score all of the sparkley supplies you need for this! I got the big sheets of gems from Dollarama! Super score! I think the glue is pretty much available at most crafting stores. I found mine at walmart.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Random fact time! Those wire cutters can also be referred to as 'dikes', but for some reason people aren't calling them that anymore. Mysterious. Canadians call them side snips, too. Don't you feel better for knowing? Sure you do.

    Also, I like your shoes.

  2. Hey you, where are the updates? I feel so lonely blogging all by myself :P. You and me and Anne should all just combine into one super blog that has no focus but lots of updates!
